This qualification has been developed for the widest range of learners possible: young people, students and adults, those who are entering further or higher education or pre-employment, recently unemployed or between jobs. It has been designed to meet the needs of learners who wish to gain a knowledge and understanding of how to balance income and expenditure, how to save money and safe borrowing.
The range of units contained in this qualification allow you to learn, develop and practise the financial skills required for life, without requiring or proving occupational competence. This qualification could also prove invaluable toward your own personal and career development.
AEB funded £150 | Guided learning hours 21
MODULE 1 – Introduction to Personal finance
MODULE 2 – Interest and Annual Percentage rates (APR)
MODULE 3 – Identifying Expense and Income
MODULE 4 – Creating a budget
MODULE 5 – Cashflow Forecasts
MODULE 6 – Savings and Investments
MODULE 7 – Bank Accounts
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£95.00 (exc. VAT - UK Only)
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+44 0203 900 3844