100% Online UK Skillsfirst Accredited
Stellar Education is the only training provider in the UK that have their courses Skillsfirst accredited and have examinations that can be taken anytime and anywhere in the world
These L3 & L5 Accredited programmes have been designed to develop candidates into independent proprietary trading professionals who wish to pursue a full-time trading career, pursue a career in finance, or simply have an extra source of income from trading at home. Initially, the trainee will be introduced to the global financial futures markets and acquire a broad overview across a wide range of different trading strategies, such as outright trading, spreads trading and arbitrage used across the FX, Fixed Income, Equities and Commodities markets.
These L1 & L2 qualifications have been developed to meet the needs of learners, who wish to gain a knowledge and understanding of the principles of saving and borrowing money, sources of income and expenditure, the need to manage income and expenditure, financial products, different forms of pay and how to budget your finances.
The range of modules contained in these qualifications allow you to learn, develop and practise the financial skills required for life. This qualification will also prove invaluable towards your own personal and professional career development.
These qualifications have been designed to make learners aware of the principles of personal well-being and the ways of maintaining it. They also explore the impact of positive behaviour, healthy-eating, mindfulness and meditation on mental well-being.
The range of modules contained in this qualification allow the learner to understand the need to make connections with others, to be physically active, receive continual learning and to provide generosity and support to others.
All of our courses are 100% online and can be taken in the comfort of your own home.
It is the only online learning system that cannot be cheated or manipulated and, is in itself, an accredited system meeting the strict guidelines set by awarding organisations regulated by Ofqual.